
由AQRBaron著作·2015·被引用35次—Thispaperreviewsnon-resonant,meV-resolutioninelasticx-rayscattering(IXS),asappliedtothemeasurementofatomicdynamicsofcrystallinematerials.,X-rayscatteringisdeterminedbythedensityofelectronswithinthecrystal.SincetheenergyofanX-rayismuchgreaterthanthatofavalenceelectron,the ...,X-rayscatteringtechniquesareafamilyofnon-destructiveanalyticaltechniqueswhichrevealinform...

Introduction to High-Resolution Inelastic X

由 AQR Baron 著作 · 2015 · 被引用 35 次 — This paper reviews non-resonant, meV-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS), as applied to the measurement of atomic dynamics of crystalline materials.


X-ray scattering is determined by the density of electrons within the crystal. Since the energy of an X-ray is much greater than that of a valence electron, the ...


X-ray scattering techniques are a family of non-destructive analytical techniques which reveal information about the crystal structure, chemical composition ...

Small Angle X

由 T Li 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 811 次 — Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a therefore a technique to study material structures at large distances, or small angles. Conversely, ...

X-ray diffraction

X-ray diffraction, phenomenon in which the atoms of a crystal, by virtue of their uniform spacing, cause an interference pattern of the waves present in an ...

Basics of X-ray Scattering

由 M Roessle 著作 · 2009 · 被引用 6 次 — X-rays are scattered at the electrons of the atomic shell. During the scattering process the electron is starts oscilating. It becomes a dipol and a spherical ...

Introduction to X

X-ray scattering measures the patterns, intensities, and angles of scatter produced when a sample is illuminated by an x-ray beam.

X-Ray Scattering

X-Ray scattering is a powerful tool in the identification of the type of liquid crystal phase present for an unknown sample. Relatively simple observation and ...

X Ray Scattering

X-Ray scattering is a powerful tool in the identification of the type of liquid crystal phase present for an unknown sample. Relatively simple observation and ...